Case Study 1


Case Study 1

Role: Amazon PPC Specialist

I was hired to merge multiple Listings and optimize the content

Case Study-1

Project goal

A client was selling products in the USA market. As a result of poor PPC set-up and optimization, they made barely any profit and lost money due to high costs and low ROI August was the month I was hired to examine  the account  and make  it profitable  for the client.


Our first step was to analyze the market competition and our product detail page. The listing was fine, but the PPC structure was awfUl. OUF first task was to fix the structure. We separated broad, phrase and exact match campaigns. non-converting keywords were removed from the campaigns. The whole process took us two weeks. It was crucial for optimization and decision-making. After that, we negatived ali irrelevant keywords from the research campaigns and turned off all non-converting keywords from the exact match keyword list. We performed thorough keyword research and discovered long tail and medium tail keywords with medium competition and built the foundation around them We began to rank on the first page within a month, and we started trying to get our main keyword in the first four spots organically. In October, we are ranking on the first spot on most of our keywords, and our ACOS is 45% with a TACOS of 7%, however, we are aiming to get it under 4% soon.

Our Agency Values

Professional, Creative Insight, Teamwork

Our Agency Locations

Doset UK: Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road Poole

Karachi PK: S9 Block N, North Nazimabad

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